What about cache coherence? Each level of multi-CPUs, RAM, disk controller, may or may not have different caches
Hard disk has: seek time, rotational latency, but focus on seek time
Define cost is where read head is and where it should be
Analysis of simple FCFS disk scheduling with random reads:
Average cost: $\dfrac{1}{3}$ (tons of calculus)
Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF):
However, this is unfair: what if reads keep on coming that are close?
Elevator algorithm (SSTF, but keep on going in the same direction):
Fair, since no starvation
But, unfair since it favors accesses in the middle
Circular elevator algorithm:
At the top of the seek, go back down (no going in the negative direction)
Batch as jobs come in, do within batch for shortest seek time
Anticipatory scheduling:
Dally a little bit until a more advantageous seek